Audi A4, S4

since 2000 release

Repair and operation of the car

Audi A4, S4
+ Introduction
+ Governing bodies and methods of safe operation
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating and air conditioner
+ Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling, power shafts and differential
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   General information and security measures when carrying out body works
   Cleaning and leaving
   Repair of insignificant damages of body panels
   Repair of considerable damages of a body
   - External equipment
      Installation of the forward panel in situation for maintenance
      Removal and installation of a cover of a water-collecting compartment
      Removal and installation of a front bumper
      Removal and installation of a loker of a back wing
      Removal and installation of a loker of a forward wing
      Removal and installation of a forward wing
      Removal and installation of a rear bumper
      Removal and installation/adjustment of a cowl
      Removal and installation of a cable of the drive of a cowl
      Removal and installation of a clamp of the lock
      Removal and installation of facing of a forward door
      Removal and installation of facing of a back door
      Removal and installation of a door
      Adjustment of a door
      Removal and installation of a frame of a window of a forward door
      Removal and installation of a window regulator
      Removal and installation of the electric motor of the drive of a window regulator
      Removal and installation of the lock of a door
      Removal and installation of the handle of a door
      Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock of a door
      Removal and installation of facing of a trunk lid
      Removal, installation and adjustment of a trunk lid
      Removal and installation of the lock of a luggage carrier
      Removal and installation of facing of a door of a back (Station wagon)
      Removal and installation of a door of a back (Station wagon)
      Removal and installation of the lock of a door of a back (Station wagon)
      Removal and installation of an external mirror
      Removal and installation of moldings
      Removal, installation and check of the movable panel of a roof
      Removal and installation of an overlay of the movable panel of a roof
      Check and adjustment of a starting position of the movable panel of a roof
      Removal and installation of a sealant of the movable panel
      Replacement of elastic bands of brushes of a screen wiper
      Removal and installation of a jet of windscreen washer of a windshield
      Removal and installation of a jet of a washer of back glass
      Removal and installation of the lever of screenwash
      Removal and installation of the lever of a cleaner of back glass
      Removal and installation of jets of a faroomyvatel
      Adjustment of levers of a screen wiper
   + Equipment of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of a front bumper

Front bumper

1 — Two bolts, 23nm
2 — the Air lattice
3 — the Screw
4 — the Level. It is fixed by means of a bilateral adhesive tape. Therefore at removal collapses
5 — the Bumper
6 — Directing

7 — Six clips
8 — Two plugs
9 — bumper Shock-absorbers
10 — the Wing
11 — the Special nut
12 — Loker
13 — Two screws



  1. Disconnect a negative cable(s) of the battery.

Observe indications of the Section Replacement of the Battery.

Lifting operation and installations of the car on supports is connected with danger! Therefore before carrying out operation study the Section Removal and installation of plafonds of internal lighting.

  1. Mark on tires with shooters the direction of their rotation. Weaken bolts of fastening of a wheel. Lift and establish forward part of the car on supports and remove wheels.
  2. Remove in front the lower cover of the engine, address to the Section Removal and installation of the top cover of the engine / the lower protection of a motive compartment / stretcher.

Some types of works are carried out as from the left and spravy side. However they are described for one of the parties of the car.

  1. Turn out bolts from below and disconnect a loker in forward part from a bumper, and also from a cross-piece.
  1. Wring out a loker (arrow A) and turn off a bolt (2) and nuts (1).
  1. Remove lateral part of a bumper (arrow B).
  1. Take away a screw-driver lock levels with (1) on (4) (an arrow on an accompanying illustration), disconnect a lattice and take out from a bumper.
  1. Turn out the bolt (1) which is behind, address to an illustration the Front bumper.
  2. Pull a bumper forward.
  3. Remove a hose of a faroomyvatel if it is available.

Substitute capacity for collecting the following water.

  1. Disunite all sockets going to a bumper.
  2. By means of the assistant remove a bumper from shock-absorbers of collision (9) forward.



  1. Check, whether carving pins on each side of a bumper, and also clips (7) and plugs (8) in wings are established, address to an illustration the Front bumper.
  2. Installation is carried out in sequence, the return to removal. Thus fix a bumper to collision shock-absorbers the moment 23nm. Watch that carving pins from sides of a bumper entered openings on a wing.
  3. Fix wheels, observing the direction of their rotation. Lower the car on wheels and only after that tighten cross-wise bolts of fastening of a wheel the moment 120nm.
  4. Attach a negative cable (-) of the battery.

Observe indications of the Section Replacement of the Battery.