Audi A4, S4

since 2000 release

Repair and operation of the car

Audi A4, S4
+ Introduction
- Governing bodies and methods of safe operation
   Governing bodies and devices
   Information system of the driver (FIS)
   Unlocking and locking of the car
   Lighting and providing review
   Seats and niches
   Heater, ventilation and conditioner of air
   Automatic Transmission (AT)
   Communication and navigation
   Universal remote radio control of HOME LINK®
   Security systems
   Features of operation and auxiliary systems
   Running in
   Towage of the trailer
   In case of emergency
   Gas station of the car
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating and air conditioner
+ Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling, power shafts and differential
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Governing bodies and devices

(1) — Power windows (Unlocking and locking of the car)
(2) — Door handle
(3) — The switch of system of locks with uniform management (Unlocking and locking of the car)
(4) — Electric adjustment of external mirrors (Lighting and providing review)
(5) — Light switch/switch (Lighting and providing review)
(6) — Regulator of a tilt angle of headlights (Lighting and providing review)
- function of illumination of the road to the house / to the car (Lighting and providing the review)
(7) — Deflectors with the corrugated regulator (A heater, ventilation and the conditioner of air)
(8) — Lever switch of indexes of turn and driving beam (Lighting and providing review)
(9) — Control panel
(10) — Lever switch:
- screen wiper and windscreen washer (Lighting and providing review)
- governing bodies of the traveling computer (Information system of the driver (FIS))
(11) — Ignition lock (Features of operation and auxiliary systems)
- petrol engine
- diesel engine
(12) — Depending on a complete set:
- case (Seats and niches)
- switch of antistrange system (ESP) (Feature of operation and auxiliary systems)
- switch of the drive of a sun-protection curtain (Lighting and providing review)
- the switch of the device of the acoustic help at a parking (Feature of operation and auxiliary systems)
(13) — Switch of the alarm light system (Lighting and providing review)
(14) — Coaster (Seats and niches)
(15) — Depending on a complete set:
- radio
- system of navigation of plus (navigation, radio, CD changer, TV/video)
(16) — The locked ware box (Seats and niches)
(17) — Safety cushion of the forward passenger (Security system)
(18) — Depending on a complete set:
- conditioner (Heater, ventilation and conditioner of air)
- heating and ventilation (Heater, ventilation and conditioner of air)

(19) — Switch of heating of back glass (Lighting and providing review)
(20) — Regulator of heating of seats (Heater, ventilation and conditioner of air)
(21) — Ashtray (Seats and niches)
(22) — Lever of switching of transfers/selector:
- manual transmission
- 5-staged automatic transmission (Automatic Transmission (AT))
- Multitronic (Automatic Transmission (AT))
(23) — Lighter/socket (Seats and niches)
(24) — Emergency brake (Features of operation and auxiliary systems)
(25) — Depending on a complete set:
- niche
- governing bodies of system of navigation
- governing bodies of indication of the menu (Information system of the driver (FIS))
(26) — Depending on komsplektatsii:
- compartment
- a niche for storage of audio cassettes (A seat and a niche)
- the socket for the fax and the computer (Communication and navigation)
(27) — Keys of a memory of a seat of the driver (Seat and niche)
(28) — Handle of unlocking of a cowl
(29) — Handle of a tempostat (Feature of operation and auxiliary systems)
(30) — A steering wheel with:
- sound signal
- safety cushion of the driver (Security system)
- governing bodies of radio system (Communication and navigation)
- governing bodies of radio system and phone (Communication and navigation)
(31) — Adjustable steering column (Features of operation and auxiliary systems)
(32) — A niche for storage of the folder with documents (Seats and niches)

In case of a factory complete set of the car the radio system or system of navigation to them attach the corresponding operation manual.

The arrangement of some controls of cars with a right-hand steering differs from shown on an illustration. However the symbols used for their designation correspond to symbols of cars with a left-side steering.

Central console

Some of the given positions are included in the package only of certain modifications or are established to order.

Driver's seat: central console

And — a Number of switches
B — System of navigation of Audi plus/audio system, for example, Audi symphony
With — the Conditioner and switches of heating of glasses/seats (A heater, ventilation and the conditioner of air)

The arrangement of some controls of cars with a right-hand steering differs from shown on an illustration. However the symbols used for their designation correspond to symbols of cars with left-side management.

In case of a factory complete set of the car the system of navigation of Audi plus and Audi symphony radio system to them attach the corresponding operation manual.

In system of navigation of Audi plus of function of radio, the CD player and TV * are built-in.

Control panel

The control panel serves the driver as information center of the car.

1 — the Index of temperature of cooling liquid
2 — the Tachometer with a digital watch and indication of date
3 — Control lamps
4 — a speedometer with the display of the counter and the measuring instrument of run
5 — the Index of a reserve of fuel
6 — control Buttons
- digital watch and date
- lighting of devices

7 — the Display
- indication of term of maintenance
- information system of the driver
8 — the CHECK Button
9 — the Button of indication of term of servicing
10 — the Button of dumping of the measuring instrument of run
At the included ignition arrows of a control panel are lit.
At the included light scales in addition are lit.

Index of temperature of cooling liquid

The index of temperature of cooling liquid works only at the included ignition. In order to avoid damages of the engine take the following instructions of rather temperature conditions into account.

Interval of temperatures of the cold engine

If the arrow still is in the left part of a scale, it means that the engine did not reach working temperature yet. Avoid the raised turns, "full gas" and considerable loading of the engine.

Working temperature

The engine reached the working temperature if at the normal mode of the movement of the shooter of the index of temperature is in limits of a middle part of a scale. At considerable loading of the engine and high temperature of external air of the shooter can depart further to the right on a scale. It should not become a reason for alarm until on the display of a control panel the alarm symbol lights up

The blinking of an alarm symbol on the display testifies to falling of level of cooling liquid or its overheat, see. Information system of the driver (FIS).

Additional headlights and other hinged components interfering a supply of the cooling air worsen effect of cooling of cooling liquid. At the high external temperature and considerable loading of the engine in this case there is a danger of an overheat of the engine!

One of problems of a forward spoiler during the movement is the correct distribution of the cooling air. At damage of a spoiler the cooling effect worsens and there is a danger of an overheat of the engine! Use the qualified help.


The tachometer shows the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft of the engine.

With a frequency of rotation less than 1500 revolutions per minute it is necessary to switch to the following low gear. The beginning of red sector of a scale corresponds for all transfers to the range of the maximum turns, admissible is short-term for the rolled and heated-up engine. It is necessary to switch to an overgear, to install the selector lever in the situation "D" or to reduce gas until achievement by an arrow of this sector of a scale.

Only short-term calling of an arrow of a tachometer on red sector of a scale is allowed - there is a danger of damage of the engine! The beginning of a red scale depends on engine option.

Preliminary switching on overgears will help you to save fuel and to reduce operational noise!

Digital watch with indication of date

Fragment of a control panel:

— digital watch
— the display panel with a symbol of reception of clock radios, time and date
— buttons of management of lighting of devices

The car is completed with a quartz watch or clock radios.

Installation of hours


  1. Press the MODE button; hour indication blinks.
  2. Indication of hours increases pressing of the + button.
  3. Indication of hours decreases pressing of the - button.

Installation of minutes


  1. Press the MODE button so often, minute indication will not start blinking yet.
  2. Indication of minutes increases pressing of the + button.
  3. Indication of minutes decreases pressing of the - button.

Installation of calendar date


  1. Press the MODE button so often, indication of day will not start blinking yet.
  2. Indication of day is established by pressing of the "+" or "-" button.
  3. Again press the MODE button. Now indication of month blinks.
  4. Indication of month is established by pressing of the "+" or "-" button.
  5. Again press the MODE button. Now indication of year blinks.
  6. Indication of year is established by pressing of the "+" or "-" button

Switching off of calendar date


  1. Press the MODE button so often, full indication of calendar date will not start blinking yet.
  2. Indication of date is cleaned by pressing of the button" -".

Call of calendar date


  1. Press the MODE button so often, full indication of calendar date will not start blinking yet.
  2. Indication of date is caused by pressing of the + button.

The termination of a blinking of indication after pressing of the button means completion of process of installation and programming of time / calendar date.

Pressing of the CHECK button, at the switched-off ignition it is possible to include for some seconds a digital watch with indication of date and the run counter.

Clock radios

In the "radio-controlled quartz watch" mode on the display panel there is a symbol of reception of radio of information (radio a tower with the dispersing waves). In this mode manual change of indication of minutes and date is impossible.

In various time zones it is necessary to change indication of hours manually respectively.

In the absence of the corresponding radio signal within three days, hours automatically switch in the "quartz watch" mode. Thus indication of a symbol of reception of radio of information disappears. In need of new installation of time and calendar date address to subsection the Digital watch with indication of date.

Lighting of devices


  1. For increase in brightness of a background press the + button.
  2. For reduction of brightness of a background press the - button.

The phototransistor installed in a control panel regulates lighting of devices (illumination of arrows and scales), lighting of the central console and lighting of displays.

At vyklyuchyonny light and the included ignition devices are lit (shooters and scales). With decrease of brightness of a surrounding background brightness of lighting of devices automatically decreases. At insignificant surrounding light lighting in general is disconnected. This function serves to the driver as a reminder of timely inclusion of a passing beam at decrease of brightness of a surrounding background.

Speedometer, counter of the general run and measuring instrument of run


The speedometer shows speed.

Fragment of a control panel: counter and measuring instrument of run, CHECK button

Indication of run is removed in kilometers (km). In some modifications indication is removed in miles.

The counter of the general run (is below)

Registers the general run of the car in kilometers or miles.

The run measuring instrument (is from above)

Registers run from the moment of the last dumping of its indication. It allows to measure certain pieces of run. The price of division of the measuring instrument makes 100 m or 1/10 miles. Dumping (installation of zero value) is carried out by pressing of the button of dumping.

Display of faults

About existence of malfunction in a control panel indication of "dEF" on the run measuring instrument display signals.

Index of a reserve of fuel

The index works only at the included ignition.

Capacity of a fuel tank is specified in Specifications. If the arrow reached a reserve field, on the display of a control panel, see. Information system of the driver (FIS) lights up a symbol. It means that in a stock there were about 8-10 liters of fuel. Indication of this symbol reminds of need of gas station.

Never run out of fuel completely! Irregular supply of fuel can lead to interruptions in system of ignition. As a result not burned down fuel will get to system of production of the fulfilled gases. It can lead to an overheat and damage of the catalytic converter

CHECK button

Functional purpose of the CHECK button:

Inclusion of indication of a digital watch, counter and measuring instrument of run

Pressing of the CHECK button, at the switched-off ignition, for some seconds run displays turn on the display of a digital watch, with indication of date, and.

Inclusion of function of the monitoring system of malfunctions of the car (AutochekControl)

At the included ignition and during the movement system of automatic control of malfunctions, see. Information system of the driver (FIS) continuously controls certain functions and technical condition of systems of the car.

At the included ignition function of the monitoring system of malfunctions can be included also pressing of the CHECK button. Check of work of system can be performed both at muffled, and at the working engine and at a speed no more than 5 km/h.

Conclusion to indication of instructions to the driver

At a blinking on the display of any symbol of the 1st degree of a priority, see. Information system of the driver (FIS) or at emergence of the indication informing on malfunction of function of lamps see. Information system of the driver (FIS), short-term pressing of the CHECK button the driver can include illumination of the corresponding instruction again. For example:

Motor abstellen, Olstand prufen (to kill the engine, to check oil level). Indication of the display dies away approximately in 5 seconds.

Alarm system of excess of speed

Pressing of the CHECK button during the movement it is possible to program threshold value of degree of the prevention of 1 device of the alarm system of excess of speed, see. Information system of the driver (FIS), "Degree of the prevention 1: function". Threshold value of degree of the prevention 2 * devices of the alarm system of excess of speed, see. Information system of the driver (FIS), "Degree of the prevention 2: function" is programmed only at the switched-off ignition.

Indication of term of maintenance

Indication of term of maintenance reminds of the next servicing.

Fragment of a control panel: indication of term of maintenance

Maintenance indication

Short-term pressing of the button (1) at the included ignition to indication outputs number of kilometers before the forthcoming servicing. The conclusion of indication is possible both at muffled, and at the working engine and at a speed no more than 5 km/h. Indication of number of kilometers before maintenance is staticized every time after ignition inclusion - the first time through 500 km after dumping. On indication of the display of the new car / car after carrying out maintenance in the period of the first 500 km of run will be, the message of SERVICE IN — — - KM — - TAGEN is displayed.

It extends also on cars with "LongLifeservice".

Reminder on maintenance

When before the forthcoming servicing there are 2000 and less kilometers, at inclusion of ignition indication is brought to the display:


5 seconds later the display switches to the normal mode of indication. Indication of number of kilometers before servicing is staticized every time after ignition inclusion, up to approach of term of carrying out maintenance.

Approach of term of maintenance

At approach of term of passing of the next maintenance directly after inclusion of ignition indication "by SERVICE is brought to the display!". 5 seconds later the display switches to the normal mode of indication.

Dumping in the provision of new counting of indication

Switch off ignition.

At the pressed button (1) include ignition. On the display appears one or the other messages: "SERVICE IN — — - KM" or "SERVICE".

Press the button of dumping (2) before emergence on the indication display "SERVICE IN — — - KM — - TAGEN" or "SERVICE!".

If do not press the dumping button within 5 seconds, the display switches to the normal mode of indication.

Dump indication on new counting only after carrying out maintenance. Otherwise it will not be true.

At an accumulator detachment these indications of term of maintenance remain.

With malfunction of the 1st degree of a priority (a red symbol) the call of indication of number of kilometers before maintenance is impossible.

Dumping button

The button of dumping "0.0", (2) has the following appointment:

Dumping of indications of the measuring instrument of run

Installation of zero value of the measuring instrument of run (top) is carried out by pressing of the button of dumping.

New counting of indication of term of maintenance

It is made by pressing of the button of dumping. Thus indication of term of maintenance has to be in the dumping mode.

Control lamps

Control lamps of a control panel

Control lamps signal about a condition of certain functions / malfunctions.

Control panel: control lamps


Electronics of the engine
Security systems
Electronic anticreeping blocking
Indexes of turn of the trailer
Device of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS)
Reminder on need to be fastened
seat belt
Left index of turn
Antistrange system (ESP)
Category of the accumulator
Driving beam
Parking fires
Engine management (alternatively c)
System of preheat
Malfunction of brake system,
the emergency brake is tightened
Right index of turn

A number of functions is controlled by the monitoring system of malfunctions, see. Information system of the driver (FIS). Functional violations are brought to the display of a control panel as red symbols (a priority 1 - danger) or yellow symbols (a priority 2 - the prevention).

Electronics of the engine

The control lamp signals about malfunction of electronics of the engine. Immediately carry out diagnostics and eliminate a cause of defect.

AIR BAG security systems

The control lamp watches work of pillows and natyazhitel of tapes of seat belts.

The control lamp of AIR BAG lights up for some seconds at ignition inclusion.

The system is faulty if the control lamp of AIR BAG does not die away after inclusion of ignition or lights up, blinks during the movement, and also does not light up at ignition inclusion.

Electronic anticreeping blocking

The control lamp signals about data exchange between the car and the original ignition key.

At inclusion of ignition the request of data of a key of the car is automatically carried out. The positive result of data exchange is confirmed by short fire of a control lamp .

When using of a stereotyped key the control lamp begins is long to blink. In this case operation of the car, see Unlocking and locking of the car is impossible.


The control lamp in a control panel burns during the work of a tempostat.

Indexes of turn of the trailer

At the movement with the trailer the control lamp blinks together with the included indexes of turn.

The control lamp blinks at inclusion of indexes of turn if the trailer is correctly connected to the car.

At malfunction of a lamp of the index of turn on the car or the trailer the control lamp does not blink.

Device of anti-blocking of brake system (ABS)

The control lamp controls the ABS function and devices of electronic blocking of differential (EDS).

The control lamp lights up for some seconds at ignition inclusion / during start of the engine and has to go out after the end of automatic process of control.

The ABS device is faulty, if:

  • The control lamp does not light up at ignition inclusion.
  • The control lamp does not die away some seconds later.
  • The control lamp lights up under way.

In this case braking of the car only with use of usual brake system, i.e. without ABS is possible. Immediately address on HUNDRED. In more detail concerning ABS, see Features of operation and auxiliary systems.

At malfunction of ABS the control lamp of ESP burns.

Malfunction of all brake system

If the control lamp of ABS burns together with a control lamp of brake system (at the released emergency brake), in this case refusal not only the regulating ABS function, but also neispravnosttormozny system takes place.

In case of functional violation of brake system on the display of a control panel there is a symbol. Consider information provided in the section "Malfunction of Brake System", see. Information system of the driver (FIS).

Malfunction of the device of electronic blocking of differential (EDS)

The EDS device works together with ABS. About failure of the EDS device fire of a control lamp of ABS signals. Immediately address on HUNDRED. In more detail concerning EDS, see Features of operation and auxiliary systems.

Reminder on need to be fastened

The control lamp reminds of not fastened seat belt.

The control lamp lights up for some seconds after ignition inclusion.

In more detail concerning seat belts, see Security systems.

Indexes of turn

The control lamp blinks together with the included indexes of turn.

Depending on the included indexes of turn the left or right control lamp blinks. At the switched-on alarm light system both control lamps of indexes of turn blink at the same time.

At refusal of one of indexes of turn the control lamp blinks twice more often.

The told does not belong to the movement with the trailer. At malfunction of any lamp of the index of turn on the car or the trailer the control lamp does not blink. In more detail concerning indexes of turn, see Lighting and providing the review.

Category of the accumulator

The control lamp signals about defect of the generator or malfunction of electric equipment of the car.

The control lamp lights up for some seconds at ignition inclusion, for demonstration of the working capacity and has to go out after start of the engine.

If the lamp lights up during the movement of the car, as a rule, still it is possible to reach to the next HUNDRED. As thus, however, there is a continuous category of the accumulator, it is necessary to switch off all consumers of current, except the most necessary.

Fire in a control panel during the movement of in addition alarm symbol (malfunction of the cooling system), see. Information system of the driver (FIS), testifies to malfunction of the water pump of the cooling system - there is a danger of damage of the engine! Immediately stop and kill the engine.

Driving beam

The control lamp burns at the included driving beam.

The control lamp lights up at inclusion of a driving beam or when using of a faltering light signal.

In more detail rather driving beam, see. Information system of the driver (FIS).

Parking fires

The control lamp burns at the included parking fires.

The control lamp burns at the included parking fires.

Brake system

The control lamp blinks at too low level of brake fluid, malfunction of the ABS device or at the tightened emergency brake.

In case of a blinking of a control lamp (at the released emergency brake) stop and check the level of brake fluid see the Head the Current leaving and service.

At refusal of ABS the control lamp of ABS lights up together with a control lamp of brake system .

The tightened emergency brake

The control lamp burns also at the tightened emergency brake. Besides, at the movement more than 3 seconds with a speed over 5 km/h the buzzer sounds and alarm indication is brought to the display, see. Information system of the driver (FIS).

Cars with ESP

Electronic antistrange system (ESP)

The control lamp watches function of electronic antistrange system.

Functions of a control lamp:

The lamp blinks during the movement during the operation of the ESP device.

The lamp lights up for control of function at inclusion of ignition and has to go out approximately in 2 seconds.

The lamp burns at malfunction of ESP.

The lamp burns after shutdown and the subsequent connection of the accumulator.

The lamp burns at the switched-off ESP device.

The lamp burns also at refusal of ESP as the ESP device works together with ABS.

At fire of a control lamp right after start of the engine there can be a protective shutdown of ESP caused by system. In this case you can include ESP switching off and the subsequent inclusion of ignition. The lamp dies away and the device is completely ready for operation.

In case of shutdown and the subsequent connection of the accumulator the control lamp lights up after ignition inclusion. That the lamp went out, rather short movement on a straight line.

In more detail concerning ESP, see Features of operation and auxiliary systems.

Cars with the petrol engine

Management of EPC engine capacity

The control lamp watches a control system of the engine.

The control lamp of EPC (Electronic Power Control) lights up for some seconds at ignition inclusion, for demonstration of the working capacity.

Fire of a control lamp during the movement testifies to malfunction in a control system of the engine. Urgently carry out the demanded inspections of the engine.

Cars with the diesel engine

System of preheat

Fire of a control lamp testifies to preheat of the engine. Start the engine at once as soon as the lamp, see Features of operation and auxiliary systems goes out. At start of the heated-up engine, and also at an external temperature above +8 °C the control lamp lights up approximately for 1 second.

Fire of a control lamp of system of preheat during the movement testifies to malfunction in a control system of the engine. The engine needs urgent check.

The reason of that the control lamp at ignition inclusion does not light up, maybe, malfunction in system of preheat at all. The engine needs check.